Monday, June 25, 2007

Hatha Yoga Provides Gentle Exercise To StimulateYour Imune System

The most common form of yoga practiced in the United States ishatha yoga. Hatha yoga differs from other disciplines of yogaas it is more exercise than mental preparation for meditation.All yoga stretches are designed to relax the body on the pathof spiritual enlightenment including meditation; however mostAmericans practice the poses for the fitness benefits. Hatha yoga is a gentle exercise which strengthens the existingmuscles without adding unwanted muscle bulk. People whopractice hatha yoga claim all kinds of homeopathic benefitsfrom illness relief to increased concentration whilemeditating. Hatha Yoga and Illness There is no conclusive scientific evidence that hatha yoga hasany positive or negative health benefits. However, thetechnique is thousands of years old and the people whichpractice the poses and meditation claim a variety of healthbenefits. Hatha yoga is said by some to be able to ease everydiscomfort from bowel problems to head aches. The stretches andposes are said to massage the inner organs balancing the body'schemicals naturally. Even if there is no conclusive evidence supporting the claimsthat hatha yoga does in fact have health benefits beyondphysical exercise, many people who practice yoga have betterself esteem, are more in tune with their bodies needs, and takea more active role in their health by exercising regularly andeating healthy foods. Menstrual Discomfort Many medical facilities are dedicated to women's health alonebecause of a woman's unique anatomy and life changes. Hathayoga is able to promote women's health by providing an outletfor daily exercise which is recommended by most doctors. Alsothe massaging of internal muscles, the poses and stretches arethought to ease menstrual pain or other discomforts associatedwith the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy Some poses of hatha yoga are known to be safe exercises forwomen while pregnant. However, not all poses should bepreformed while pregnant; poses which would require a woman topress on her stomach for instance would not be recommended. Also during the third trimester, only gentle stretches andposes of hatha yoga should be practiced. Any poses which wouldrequire a woman to lie on her back or stand on one foot shouldbe avoided late in pregnancy. There is a reason for each of these points; in the first case,there is a large system of veins that supply blood and oxygento the baby that runs by the spine. The added weight of thebaby on this system of veins can slow blood flow to the babyand deny it oxygen. The other is because during pregnancy,usually sometime in the second trimester, a woman's equilibriumchanges and she may have trouble maintaining her balance whileon one foot.About The Author: Ann Marier writes informative articles aboutfamily life and general health issues, Her lastest are aboutlosing weight with yoga. Click on http://loseweightfromyoga.comto read all her yoga articles. Click on to see all the other generalhealth issues


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